At various times I have poked around at industrial photography; from those efforts have come some railroad-related pictures which I am happy to share and am (very gradually) adding to this site. You may find that some of these images are more of a documentary nature than actual "art" work; please enjoy just the same. On my "site" you will also find some (more modern) pictures made by my friend Esther Fairchild, who in the wider world is an accomplished photographer in her own right.
In general, anything you see here dated before year 2000 is film photography (print or transparency) scanned into "JPG" files and then "cleaned up" and resized for publication here. As I'm not much of a record-keeper, the dates before 2000 are "approximate". I don't as yet have a negative/slide scanner, so for now I am putting up scans of prints. Any suggestions for improvement would be more than welcome!
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!
Select one of the links from the menu on the left to begin browsing the collection.